All possible options to Translate the Cookie Bar & Preferences popup


7 mins

Dilyana Simeonova
November 23, 2022

Translating the Cookie Bar & Preferences Popup for Global Audiences

Languages are an integral part of a store, and translations make it accessible to a bigger audience. Whether you are running your store in English or in a different language, whether it is a single-language or a multilingual store - you want your customers to have the best user experience possible. That is why in this blog post we have rounded up all the ways you can translate the Cookie bar and Preferences popups' content, so you can find the one that fits your case.

For stores using only the English language

The general settings of the Consentmo app are all in English, so if your store is only in English, well then you are all set! If you need to make any changes to the English text, that is already there, feel free to change it as per your store's needs. The texts of the Cookie bar and Preferences popup can be found and edited in the Cookie Bar tab > Cookie Bar Content section.

To change the text of the Cookie bar go to Cookie Bar tab

Cookie Bar Text area

Cookie Bar Text area

Preferences Popup Text area

Preferences Popup Text area

If in the future you decide to present your store in other languages, keep on reading to see your options. 

For stores using a single non-English language

We have some news for people with stores in French, German, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, and Japanese. The feature to automatically set the Cookie bar and Preferences popup texts was previously Premium, but now it's available to all users! If you have a store in any of the uplisted languages, you can change it automatically, even if you are on a free plan. In order to do that, head over to the Translation tab, and under Set Language For The Cookie Bar & Preferences popup setting, you can pick the language you want.  For the sake of the example, let's pick French.

Set Language For The Cookie Bar & Preferences popup setting

Additionally, you can change the Data Collection Text from the option below to the same language.

Set language for Data collection text

Here is where the Data Collection Text is located the Preferences popup

Where the Data Collection Text is located the Preferences popup
For multilingual stores using 3rd party translation apps

If you have a store that is in multiple languages and you are already using a translation app, it is possible that the Consentmo app is already compatible with it. To see the options we have and learn how to integrate them into the app, go to the Integrations tab > Translation apps section.

Where to look for third-party translations

Here are the apps that we are compliant with:

Third-party apps that can be integrated with Consentmo

For more information on how to integrate with each of them, see the blog posts below.

Additional translation apps that we are compliant with, for which we have FAQs:

Note: If your store originally is NOT in English, you have to make sure to translate the Consentmo app first in your store's language, before you add additional translations with 3rd party apps.

The other option to integrate with 3rd party apps is setting up metafields, which will be visible in the translation app's menu. To do that, you need to add them first and then head over to the Translation tab >  App integration with third-party translation apps and click the Refresh Metafields button.

Refresh M<etafields button

For further instructions on how to set them up, please check our FAQ page and the following blog post.

For stores using a single language, that is not listed in the Translation tab

If you didn't find your language under the Translation tab > Set Language For The Cookie Bar & Preferences popup, your option is to manually translate the text fields. To do that, head on to the Cookie Bar tab and then Cookie Bar Content and there you will find the text fields we showed above. That's where you can change your language to whichever one you choose. 

Note: If you make any changes to the texts of the Cookie bar or Preferences popup in the Cookie Bar tab, it is recommended to refresh the metafields, in order to ensure that the text will be updated. Go to the Translation tab and click the Refresh Metafields button, under App integration with third-party translation apps.

Offer If you want to provide us with a translation of the Cookie bar and Preferences popup texts in a language, different than the commonly listed ones, you can download this zip file and contact our support team for more information on how to proceed with the translation. As a thank you, we can offer a free paid plan for one month, for the effort.

This is all that we have for this blog post on the translation of the Cookie Bar or Preferences popup. If you haven't, go and download the Consentmo app and if you have any specific questions, do not hesitate to contact us via chat or email, or simply check our FAQ page.

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