Translation Update: The Expanded Language Roster of Consentmo's GDPR Page


5 mins

Dilyana Simeonova
August 31, 2023

New Languages Added: Enhancing Consentmo's GDPR Page Translation

The GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) isn't just a fancy acronym; it's a pivotal piece of legislation that governs how personal data of individuals within the European Union should be handled. At its core, the Consentmo's GDPR Compliance page serves as a beacon of transparency, detailing how user data is managed, stored, and protected. It ensures visitors have crystal clear clarity about their rights and the practices of the online store they're browsing.

💬 Why Does Translation Matter?

Imagine you're shopping online, and you stumble upon a page filled with legal jargon. Frustrating, right? Now, picture that in a language you don’t understand. Double the headache! Being able to read and understand the GDPR Compliance page in one's native language isn't just a nice-to-have—it's essential. It fosters trust, enhances user experience, and, more importantly, ensures that visitors can make informed decisions about their data.

🌐 Broadening Our Linguistic Horizons

We've heard your feedback, and we're thrilled to announce that we're adding 14 new languages to our GDPR Compliance page translation. While we previously supported major languages such as English, French, German, and Spanish, we've now expanded our repertoire to include these languages as well: Danish, Bulgarian, Croatian, Czech, Estonian, Finnish, Greek, Irish, Maltese, Polish, Romanian, Slovak, Slovenian, and Turkish. This means that our GDPR Compliance page can now be automatically translated into every single language that's available for the Cookie bar and Preference popup. Talk about being globally friendly!

To see all of your new translation options, head on over to the Translation tab and scroll down to the "Language For The Compliance Pages" feature. The new update awaits there!

The GDPR Complance language change

The new languages for the GDPR Compliance pages in Consentmo
What’s Next for Consentmo?

This update isn't just about adding more languages—it's a testament to our commitment to serving our users better, every step of the way. We aim to make Consentmo not just compliant but also user-friendly for online shoppers from every corner of the globe.

Thank you for being a part of our journey. As always, we're all ears for feedback, suggestions, or even just a quick hello. Let's continue making the internet a more transparent and user-friendly space, one update at a time. Cheers! 🎉🌍

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